Thursday, 25 April 2013
A Picture worth 1,776 Words and Counting...
Perhaps the Eye is not Pharaoh, but an Angel (of America) who keeps looking too far and for too long, with no Archangel to guide him before he falls down....
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
The Sephar Yetzirah - Possibly the Oldest Written Reference to the Star of David
/ ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה /ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה /
The history of the study of the Sefer Yetzirah is one of the most interesting in the records of Jewish literature. With the exception of the Bible, scarcely any other book has been the subject of so much annotation.
- Sefer Yetzirah,
NAME OF REFERENCE: Sefer Yetzirah![](
NAME IN HEBREW Sepher Yesirah - ספר יצירה
NAME IN ENGLISH: 'Book of Formation' or 'Book of Creation'
!!!! Jews, Gentiles, Mystics, and Believers all Agree that the Sepher Yetzirah Directly Mentions the Star of David !!!!
Many readers may be inclined to ask, 'What in the world is the Sepher Yetzirah? Well, it happens to be the Hebrew language name of a +1,700 year-old Book of extremely intelligent and profound Jewish Mysticism that baffles numerous scholars and experts. Said to have been originally written by Abraham himself in primitive Hebrew script, many God-fearing fans and readers of this non-Biblical religious document swear this Book is indeed older than Christ, thus pre-dating Christianity itself.
SOURCE #1 - The Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation) is the textual source for the Six-pointed Star, commonly known as the 'Star of David.' Trees of Life from the Sefer HaShmoth and the Sefer Yetzirah.
SOURCE #2 - The Book of Formation (Sepher Yetzirah) is the...earliest known textual source for the Six-pointed symbol known as the Star of David. (Sefer Yetzirah, The Letters of Our Father Abraham)
SOURCE #3 - In Kabbalah, the Star of David symbolizes the six directions of space plus the center, under the influence of the description of space found in the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation): Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Center.. (Star of David, Wikipedia)
SOURCE #4) The Star of David...represents the seven facets of space identified in the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation): up, down, east, west, north, and south, and finally the center. The star is most commonly used within kabbalistic circles.
- Mythic Judaism,
!!!! Jews, Gentiles, Mystics, and Believers all Agree that the Sepher Yetzirah Directly Mentions the Star of David !!!!
The history of the study of the Sefer Yetzirah is one of the most interesting in the records of Jewish literature. With the exception of the Bible, scarcely any other book has been the subject of so much annotation.
- Sefer Yetzirah,
/ ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה /ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה /
The history of the study of the Sefer Yetzirah is one of the most interesting in the records of Jewish literature. With the exception of the Bible, scarcely any other book has been the subject of so much annotation.
- Sefer Yetzirah,
NAME IN HEBREW Sepher Yesirah - ספר יצירה
NAME IN ENGLISH: 'Book of Formation' or 'Book of Creation'
!!!! Jews, Gentiles, Mystics, and Believers all Agree that the Sepher Yetzirah Directly Mentions the Star of David !!!!
Many readers may be inclined to ask, 'What in the world is the Sepher Yetzirah? Well, it happens to be the Hebrew language name of a +1,700 year-old Book of extremely intelligent and profound Jewish Mysticism that baffles numerous scholars and experts. Said to have been originally written by Abraham himself in primitive Hebrew script, many God-fearing fans and readers of this non-Biblical religious document swear this Book is indeed older than Christ, thus pre-dating Christianity itself.
SOURCE #1 - The Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation) is the textual source for the Six-pointed Star, commonly known as the 'Star of David.' Trees of Life from the Sefer HaShmoth and the Sefer Yetzirah.
SOURCE #2 - The Book of Formation (Sepher Yetzirah) is the...earliest known textual source for the Six-pointed symbol known as the Star of David. (Sefer Yetzirah, The Letters of Our Father Abraham)
SOURCE #3 - In Kabbalah, the Star of David symbolizes the six directions of space plus the center, under the influence of the description of space found in the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation): Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Center.. (Star of David, Wikipedia)
SOURCE #4) The Star of David...represents the seven facets of space identified in the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation): up, down, east, west, north, and south, and finally the center. The star is most commonly used within kabbalistic circles.
- Mythic Judaism,
!!!! Jews, Gentiles, Mystics, and Believers all Agree that the Sepher Yetzirah Directly Mentions the Star of David !!!!
The history of the study of the Sefer Yetzirah is one of the most interesting in the records of Jewish literature. With the exception of the Bible, scarcely any other book has been the subject of so much annotation.
- Sefer Yetzirah,
/ ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה /ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה / ספר יצירה /
Sunday, 14 April 2013
The 'Sign' Remains the Same...
He showed him His sign, He led me by His light and gave me the rod of His power, so that I might subdue the imaginations of the people and the power of the men of might to bring them Low, to make war by His Word and to take victory by His power.
- Odes of Solomon, ch. 29 (
And by what sign shall the 'He' mentioned in the Judeo/Christian Apocryphal book called the 'Odes of Solomon' become known? By the sign of the Messiah, of course, the sign of King David. And that sign just so happens to be the geometric shape known as the Hexagram, in other words, the six-pointed Star (of David).
God bless and Shalom.
- Odes of Solomon, ch. 29 (
And by what sign shall the 'He' mentioned in the Judeo/Christian Apocryphal book called the 'Odes of Solomon' become known? By the sign of the Messiah, of course, the sign of King David. And that sign just so happens to be the geometric shape known as the Hexagram, in other words, the six-pointed Star (of David).
God bless and Shalom.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
The Six-Pointed Star of David and The Seal of Solomon are Different Types of Hexagrams
he Star of David, the Seal of Solomon, and How they Differ
ON THE LEFT: Star of David (n.) - A symbol consisting of two OVERLAPPED triangles
ON THE RIGHT: Solomon's Seal (n.) - A symbol consisting of two INTERLACED triangles
According to legend, King Solomon supposedly took the rather simple, two-dimensional Star of David he inherited from his Royal father and managed to improve upon it by having the two opposite triangles appear as if they were interwoven with one another. A rather interesting take on the very real differences between the Star of David and the Seal of Solomon reads as follows:
Uniting the Water Triangle [facing downwards] with the Fire Triangle [facing upwards], the Hexagram is formed. It forms a six pointed star also known as the Seal of Solomon. This symbol is a [different type of] Star of David, the national symbol of Israel (God's chosen nation). The difference between the Star of David and the seal [of Solomon] is the triangles which make up the seal [Solomon] interlock and the two triangles of the Star of David lie flat against each other.
- Hexagram,
The traditional understanding that the Star of David and the Seal of Solomon have fundamental differences in both their origins and visual appearances, seems to have been nearly lost in modern times. What's most frustrating is that more a few modern dictionaries have gotten the essential differences between these two distinct types of hexagrams completely wrong, thus misleading everybody. So, readers should take careful note right now that the symbol seen on top of the Pope's head is, to be completely accurate, not a Star of David, but a Seal of Solomon instead. The biggest visual clue is the way that the Seal of Solomon's triangular lines look like they are either above or beneath one another without ever truly intersecting. Apparently, this was never the case with the Star of David. To be specific, King David used the symbol as a short form of his written signature and as a battle insignia painted on the shields of his fellow Israelite soldiers. In both cases, the iconographic complexity seen in the Seal of Solomon was never really needed and therefore never developed. In contrast, the Seal of Solomon was thought to have been an actual Royal Seal used throughout King Solomon's reign, a hand-held device which stamped an image upon either a puddle of wax, or clay, or even a form of paper made with animal skins. These Seals were usually custom-made by professional artists and were thus far more complex in appearance than any written signature or hand-drawn war emblem.
In truth, one could say that both symbols were simply different versions of the Star of David. However, the Seal of Solomon has always been depicted with three-dimensional, interwoven (or interlaced) triangles. It is most unfortunate that literally no one these days really knows, or even cares, about what a Seal of Solomon actually is anyway. However, for the sake of precision, one should define the Star of David as being comprised of OVERLAPPING triangles, just as the Seal of Solomon (Solomon's Seal)should always have the appearance of INTERLACED (or INTERWOVEN) triangles instead. The actual, and factually correct, dictionary definitions of these two emblems are listed below:
Star of David (n.) - A symbol consisting of two OVERLAPPED equilateral triangles forming a star with six points, used as a symbol of Judaism. It is also called Magen David, Mogen David, and Shield of David, and is shaped identically to the hexagram and Solomon's seal. It is used on the flag of the modern state of Israel.
- Collaborative International Dictionary of English,
Solomon's Seal (n.) - A mystic symbol consisting of two INTERLACED triangles forming a star with six points, often with one triangle dark and one light, symbolic of the union of soul and body. It is shaped identically to the hexagram and Star of David, distinguished only in its usage.
- Collaborative International Dictionary of English,
Among the various myths and legends concerning this age-old Biblical symbol, two of them stand out in particular. The first one concerns the reasons behind why the hexagram was ever called a star (or shield), while the second story explains the intricate three-dimensional pattern seen on the Seal of Solomon, but usually never with the Star of David. Now as to why the hexagram was ever called a Star, the main reason should be quite obvious to most observers. As nearly everybody would agree, the six-pointed shape itself bear a striking visual resemblance to the twinkling effect one experiences when looking directly at either a star, or the sun, through a somewhat hazy atmosphere.
Twinkle (Upward Triangle), Twinkle (Downward Triangle) little star, how I wonder what you are (Star of David). Up above the world so high (Upward Triangle), like a diamond in the sky (Downward Triangle)...
- An interpretation of the song 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star'
There is also a Biblical reason why the hexagram has been called a star and it concerns a certain, obscure prophecy found in the Book of Numbers. Keeping in mind that this was written long before King David was ever born, the relevant verse talks about an unknown future leader of Israel who will rise to power and go on to defeat the traditional enemies of the Israelites- the Moabites for example. This future hero is metaphorically described as 'a Star' which 'shall come forth from Jacob', obviously meaning a yet-to-born descendant from the one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Because of the importance of the Davidic Kingdom, quite a few scholars claim this passage from Numbers should be seen as a direct reference to the later military success and subsequent rule of King David. Indeed, David official founding of the Kingdom of Israel in Jerusalem was the first event of extreme significance which had occurred in Israel since the time period recorded in the Book of Numbers. Yet the question remains as to why the hexagram, rather than David himself, is the 'Star' mentioned in Scriptures. The best, and probably only correct answer to this is that the original Star of David served as his personalized signature- comprised of two triangular Hebrew letters written on top of each other with one of them turned upside down. In short, the hexagram was simply a uniquely clever way David wrote the first and last initials to his own name. Therefore, the claim that the six-pointed hexagram used for David's name was also a perfect symbolic representation of the Biblically prophesied 'Star' of 'Jacob' happens to be fairly logical, at least in a metaphorical sense. Also, because the Bible just so happens to be filled to the brim with metaphors, this legendary explanation may indeed be the real truth behind the origins of the six-pointed Star.
STAR OF DAVID: I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A STAR shall come forth from Jacob. A scepter shall rise from Israel and shall crush the corners of Moab, and destroy all the sons of Sheth.
- Numbers 24:17
SEAL OF SOLOMON: Place me like a SEAL upon your heart, like a SEAL on your arm. For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
- Song of Solomon 8:6
Now it is time to turn to the Judeo/Christian legends surrounding the Seal of Solomon and the reason behind the change in name. First, as previously mentioned, the more complex looking six-pointed star with interwoven triangles was Solomon's way of improving upon his father David's original design for their family coat-of-arms. This three-dimensional hexagram was also a far more appropriate insignia for a King of Israel and his Royal family to have as their personal seal. Even so, there was also a deeper, more profound reason behind the interwoven appearance of the Seal of Solomon's two interlaced triangles. Apparently, this specific design served as a visual talisman providing spiritual protection and control against the forces of evil. Not only was the Seal thought to ward against, or scare off, demons and other evil spirits, it also helped to trap, contain, and control them- thus rendering them harmless to mere mortals.
THE REVELATION: 'The triangles which make up the Seal [of Solomon] interlock and the two triangles of the Star of David lie flat against each other.' (
To truly understand how and why this worked, notice how the Seal's interlaced lines have an eerie, maze-like appearance to them, going back and forth, above and behind each other, in a ceaseless, never-ending pattern. This infinite sense of complexity was said to cause disorientation and utter confusion in any demon who dared to look directly at the symbol. More than two thousand years later, the Medieval Christians (as well as Jews) also put their trust in the Seal of Solomon, believing it provided ample protection from the forces of darkness. Three different online sources confirm the 'magical' history of this symbol:
The hexagram, as the Seal of Solomon, is generally...believed to have protective powers and magical properties...[It] has a long history of providing protection from demons and evil spirits. In some magical practices, it is associated with exorcisms.
- Who Knew Two Triangles Could Do So Much?: The Hexagram, by Rebecca,
The Seal of Solomon dates back to the Bronze Ages and is a powerful symbol with many mystical and magickal qualities...the Seal of Solomon is believed to offer protection against both enemies and the evil eye, control spirits, and bring good luck in all aspects of life.
- Seal of Solomon, Amulet Power,
In the middle Ages it was common to find amulets and talismans which reproduced the Seal of Solomon...It was believed that these magic drawings protected the wearer from the influence of demons and evil spirits, or just bad luck. It was also common to record the seal on a frame or lintel of the entrance door to homes...with the same protective character against the spirits or to potential fires.
- The Hexagram, Star of David or Seal of Solomon,
One might apt to conclude that both the form and function of the Seal of Solomon were in perfectly alignment, thus explaining the legendary spiritual powers this symbol was believed to possess. These days, Christians (and Jews) are free to choose to believe or disbelieve in its significance, yet even today, in the 21st century, the Seal's actual power over the minds of men (and women) has yet to disappear completely. Indeed, look at the dozens and dozens, perhaps even hundreds, if not thousands, of modern, educated adults who still use this symbol to practice magic and/or witchcraft. Even if one doesn't believe in any magic whatsoever, there still has to be a reason why so many fellow humans have such an on-going obsession with this one particular geometric shape. as if by its very appearance the supernatural will then become possible. A more balanced view concerning the power of the Star of David/Seal of Solomon can be found in the Catholic Church of today. Mentioning the Star of David by name, it reads as follows:
The magi's coming to Jerusalem in order to pay homage to the king of the Jews shows that they seek in Israel, in the messianic light of the STAR OF DAVID, the one who will be king of the nations. Their coming means that pagans can discover Jesus and worship him as Son of God and Savior of the world only by turning towards the Jews and receiving from them the messianic promise as contained in the Old Testament.
- Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church
In conclusion, the actual history of the hexagram in terms of the Judeo/Christian tradition indicates that the Star of David/Seal of Solomon appears to be in complete agreement with a fairly long and extensive history of Christian use. Hopefully, Christian respect and admiration for this particular emblem will extend itself into an open friendliness, rather than hostility, towards those who still practice and believe in Judaism. Christian Gentiles must come to realize that, even today, the Jews are part of Jesus Christ's real family, for He really was born a Jew and He really did die a Jew. As such, this symbol represents both Him and them, meaning the non-Christian Jew is not simply just the 'Other', the Jew is also a Christian's brother.
ON THE LEFT: Star of David (n.) - A symbol consisting of two OVERLAPPED triangles
ON THE RIGHT: Solomon's Seal (n.) - A symbol consisting of two INTERLACED triangles
![]() |
Notice how the Star of David's 2-dimensional triangles are 'overlapped' while the Seal of Solomon's 3-dimensional triangles are drawn to appear 'interlaced', like clothing threads. |
According to legend, King Solomon supposedly took the rather simple, two-dimensional Star of David he inherited from his Royal father and managed to improve upon it by having the two opposite triangles appear as if they were interwoven with one another. A rather interesting take on the very real differences between the Star of David and the Seal of Solomon reads as follows:
Uniting the Water Triangle [facing downwards] with the Fire Triangle [facing upwards], the Hexagram is formed. It forms a six pointed star also known as the Seal of Solomon. This symbol is a [different type of] Star of David, the national symbol of Israel (God's chosen nation). The difference between the Star of David and the seal [of Solomon] is the triangles which make up the seal [Solomon] interlock and the two triangles of the Star of David lie flat against each other.
- Hexagram,
![]() |
A Green Earth Symbol, Yellow Air Symbol, Black and White Star of David, then a Blue Water Symbol, and a Red Fire Symbol |
The traditional understanding that the Star of David and the Seal of Solomon have fundamental differences in both their origins and visual appearances, seems to have been nearly lost in modern times. What's most frustrating is that more a few modern dictionaries have gotten the essential differences between these two distinct types of hexagrams completely wrong, thus misleading everybody. So, readers should take careful note right now that the symbol seen on top of the Pope's head is, to be completely accurate, not a Star of David, but a Seal of Solomon instead. The biggest visual clue is the way that the Seal of Solomon's triangular lines look like they are either above or beneath one another without ever truly intersecting. Apparently, this was never the case with the Star of David. To be specific, King David used the symbol as a short form of his written signature and as a battle insignia painted on the shields of his fellow Israelite soldiers. In both cases, the iconographic complexity seen in the Seal of Solomon was never really needed and therefore never developed. In contrast, the Seal of Solomon was thought to have been an actual Royal Seal used throughout King Solomon's reign, a hand-held device which stamped an image upon either a puddle of wax, or clay, or even a form of paper made with animal skins. These Seals were usually custom-made by professional artists and were thus far more complex in appearance than any written signature or hand-drawn war emblem.
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Notice how it requires far more artistic ability to draw (or create) the Seal of Solomon on the Right, rather than the simple, child-like Star of David on the Left. |
In truth, one could say that both symbols were simply different versions of the Star of David. However, the Seal of Solomon has always been depicted with three-dimensional, interwoven (or interlaced) triangles. It is most unfortunate that literally no one these days really knows, or even cares, about what a Seal of Solomon actually is anyway. However, for the sake of precision, one should define the Star of David as being comprised of OVERLAPPING triangles, just as the Seal of Solomon (Solomon's Seal)should always have the appearance of INTERLACED (or INTERWOVEN) triangles instead. The actual, and factually correct, dictionary definitions of these two emblems are listed below:
Star of David (n.) - A symbol consisting of two OVERLAPPED equilateral triangles forming a star with six points, used as a symbol of Judaism. It is also called Magen David, Mogen David, and Shield of David, and is shaped identically to the hexagram and Solomon's seal. It is used on the flag of the modern state of Israel.
- Collaborative International Dictionary of English,
Solomon's Seal (n.) - A mystic symbol consisting of two INTERLACED triangles forming a star with six points, often with one triangle dark and one light, symbolic of the union of soul and body. It is shaped identically to the hexagram and Star of David, distinguished only in its usage.
- Collaborative International Dictionary of English,
Among the various myths and legends concerning this age-old Biblical symbol, two of them stand out in particular. The first one concerns the reasons behind why the hexagram was ever called a star (or shield), while the second story explains the intricate three-dimensional pattern seen on the Seal of Solomon, but usually never with the Star of David. Now as to why the hexagram was ever called a Star, the main reason should be quite obvious to most observers. As nearly everybody would agree, the six-pointed shape itself bear a striking visual resemblance to the twinkling effect one experiences when looking directly at either a star, or the sun, through a somewhat hazy atmosphere.
Twinkle (Upward Triangle), Twinkle (Downward Triangle) little star, how I wonder what you are (Star of David). Up above the world so high (Upward Triangle), like a diamond in the sky (Downward Triangle)...
- An interpretation of the song 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star'
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A Ragtag Collections of Triangles and Hexagrams |
There is also a Biblical reason why the hexagram has been called a star and it concerns a certain, obscure prophecy found in the Book of Numbers. Keeping in mind that this was written long before King David was ever born, the relevant verse talks about an unknown future leader of Israel who will rise to power and go on to defeat the traditional enemies of the Israelites- the Moabites for example. This future hero is metaphorically described as 'a Star' which 'shall come forth from Jacob', obviously meaning a yet-to-born descendant from the one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Because of the importance of the Davidic Kingdom, quite a few scholars claim this passage from Numbers should be seen as a direct reference to the later military success and subsequent rule of King David. Indeed, David official founding of the Kingdom of Israel in Jerusalem was the first event of extreme significance which had occurred in Israel since the time period recorded in the Book of Numbers. Yet the question remains as to why the hexagram, rather than David himself, is the 'Star' mentioned in Scriptures. The best, and probably only correct answer to this is that the original Star of David served as his personalized signature- comprised of two triangular Hebrew letters written on top of each other with one of them turned upside down. In short, the hexagram was simply a uniquely clever way David wrote the first and last initials to his own name. Therefore, the claim that the six-pointed hexagram used for David's name was also a perfect symbolic representation of the Biblically prophesied 'Star' of 'Jacob' happens to be fairly logical, at least in a metaphorical sense. Also, because the Bible just so happens to be filled to the brim with metaphors, this legendary explanation may indeed be the real truth behind the origins of the six-pointed Star.
STAR OF DAVID: I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A STAR shall come forth from Jacob. A scepter shall rise from Israel and shall crush the corners of Moab, and destroy all the sons of Sheth.
- Numbers 24:17
SEAL OF SOLOMON: Place me like a SEAL upon your heart, like a SEAL on your arm. For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
- Song of Solomon 8:6
Now it is time to turn to the Judeo/Christian legends surrounding the Seal of Solomon and the reason behind the change in name. First, as previously mentioned, the more complex looking six-pointed star with interwoven triangles was Solomon's way of improving upon his father David's original design for their family coat-of-arms. This three-dimensional hexagram was also a far more appropriate insignia for a King of Israel and his Royal family to have as their personal seal. Even so, there was also a deeper, more profound reason behind the interwoven appearance of the Seal of Solomon's two interlaced triangles. Apparently, this specific design served as a visual talisman providing spiritual protection and control against the forces of evil. Not only was the Seal thought to ward against, or scare off, demons and other evil spirits, it also helped to trap, contain, and control them- thus rendering them harmless to mere mortals.
THE REVELATION: 'The triangles which make up the Seal [of Solomon] interlock and the two triangles of the Star of David lie flat against each other.' (
![]() |
The Star of David's Triangles pictured on the Left 'lie flat against each other'. while on the Right, the Seal of Solomon's Triangles 'interlock'. |
To truly understand how and why this worked, notice how the Seal's interlaced lines have an eerie, maze-like appearance to them, going back and forth, above and behind each other, in a ceaseless, never-ending pattern. This infinite sense of complexity was said to cause disorientation and utter confusion in any demon who dared to look directly at the symbol. More than two thousand years later, the Medieval Christians (as well as Jews) also put their trust in the Seal of Solomon, believing it provided ample protection from the forces of darkness. Three different online sources confirm the 'magical' history of this symbol:
The hexagram, as the Seal of Solomon, is generally...believed to have protective powers and magical properties...[It] has a long history of providing protection from demons and evil spirits. In some magical practices, it is associated with exorcisms.
- Who Knew Two Triangles Could Do So Much?: The Hexagram, by Rebecca,
The Seal of Solomon dates back to the Bronze Ages and is a powerful symbol with many mystical and magickal qualities...the Seal of Solomon is believed to offer protection against both enemies and the evil eye, control spirits, and bring good luck in all aspects of life.
- Seal of Solomon, Amulet Power,
In the middle Ages it was common to find amulets and talismans which reproduced the Seal of Solomon...It was believed that these magic drawings protected the wearer from the influence of demons and evil spirits, or just bad luck. It was also common to record the seal on a frame or lintel of the entrance door to homes...with the same protective character against the spirits or to potential fires.
- The Hexagram, Star of David or Seal of Solomon,
One might apt to conclude that both the form and function of the Seal of Solomon were in perfectly alignment, thus explaining the legendary spiritual powers this symbol was believed to possess. These days, Christians (and Jews) are free to choose to believe or disbelieve in its significance, yet even today, in the 21st century, the Seal's actual power over the minds of men (and women) has yet to disappear completely. Indeed, look at the dozens and dozens, perhaps even hundreds, if not thousands, of modern, educated adults who still use this symbol to practice magic and/or witchcraft. Even if one doesn't believe in any magic whatsoever, there still has to be a reason why so many fellow humans have such an on-going obsession with this one particular geometric shape. as if by its very appearance the supernatural will then become possible. A more balanced view concerning the power of the Star of David/Seal of Solomon can be found in the Catholic Church of today. Mentioning the Star of David by name, it reads as follows:
The magi's coming to Jerusalem in order to pay homage to the king of the Jews shows that they seek in Israel, in the messianic light of the STAR OF DAVID, the one who will be king of the nations. Their coming means that pagans can discover Jesus and worship him as Son of God and Savior of the world only by turning towards the Jews and receiving from them the messianic promise as contained in the Old Testament.
- Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church
In conclusion, the actual history of the hexagram in terms of the Judeo/Christian tradition indicates that the Star of David/Seal of Solomon appears to be in complete agreement with a fairly long and extensive history of Christian use. Hopefully, Christian respect and admiration for this particular emblem will extend itself into an open friendliness, rather than hostility, towards those who still practice and believe in Judaism. Christian Gentiles must come to realize that, even today, the Jews are part of Jesus Christ's real family, for He really was born a Jew and He really did die a Jew. As such, this symbol represents both Him and them, meaning the non-Christian Jew is not simply just the 'Other', the Jew is also a Christian's brother.
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Hexagraphics --- As Above, So Below is a JudeoChristian Tradition
As Above, So Below is a Judeo/Christian Tradition.
As Above, So Below is a Judeo/Christian Tradition.
And ya' know it, all you Pagan/Wiccan/Satanic wannabees!
God bless and Shalom.
Friday, 5 April 2013
The Poetic, Metaphorical Use of the Star of David Lives on in Pop Music even Now (2012-2013)
Consider the following lyrics and tell me that 'there ain't no Star of David about it' and I will call you a fool! Rock (Triangle Up) and Roll (Triangle Down) plays on. This set of lyrics written out below comes from 'It's Time', by Imagine Dragons which was considered one of the best Pop/Rock Songs of 2012:
So this is what you meant when you said that you were spent and now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit, right to the top. Don't hold back, packing my bags and giving the Academy a rain check. I don't ever want to let you down. I don't ever want to leave this town. Cause after all, this city never sleeps at night.
It's time to begin, isn't it? I get a little bit bigger but then I'll admit I'm just the same as I was. Now don't you understand, but I'm never changing who I am.
So this is where you fell And I am left to sell The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell right to the top. Don't look back, turning to rags and giving the commodities a rain check. I don't ever want to let you down. I don't ever want to leave this town. 'Cause after all, this city never sleeps at night....This road never looked so lonely. This house doesn't burn down slowly, to ashes, to ashes.
- It's Time Lyrics, by Imagine Dragons
Once again, the Biblical Symbolism of the Cornerstone/Capstone (Eye Below/Eye Above) has made yet another blatant appearance in the lyrics of a very recent 2012 hit song called 'It's Time', by the emerging Indie Rock band called Imagine Dragons. It would take a pretty good liar with a near professional poker face to try and deny the undeniable Star of David symbolic content to the actual words of this song. Consider the following analysis:
EYE BELOW = 'It's time to build from the Bottom of the Pit...'
EYE ABOVE = '...Right to the Top'
EYE BELOW = 'I don't ever want to...
EYE ABOVE = '...Let you Down.'
Some naysayers may say this is simple coincidence, but that argument seems to pale in the light of the extended Up/Down, Above/Below, 'bottom of the pit'/'the top' which, in fact, originates from the Biblically-based, Judeo/Christian Tradition extending back to Moses and perhaps even further. It was the Prophets, both Jew and Christian, that for thousands of years extended this peculiar Hebrew technique of poetic metaphor that described, first and foremost, the Star of David's symbolic understanding of gravitational reality where there is always a Top and a Bottom, rather than somewhere Left or Right, or in the middle. In other words, the Biblical narrative of yesterday, just like the hit song 'It's Time' today, frequently resorts to the Heavens Above and Earth Below spiritual allusion and comparison as understood by the Judeo/Christian Tradition of the Cornerstone and the Star of David. Indeed, the lyrics written by 'Imagine Dragons' in this particular song continues to become even more Judeo/Christian as it continues onward, as the last following verses seen below clearly demonstrate:
EYE BELOW = 'So this is where you Fell and I am left to sell...'
EYE ABOVE = 'The path to Heaven runs through...
EYE BELOW = '...Miles of Clouded Hell.'
EYE ABOVE = 'Right to the Top.'
Let's see, in a few short paragraphs, this Band has managed to mention 'building' something from the 'bottom of the Pit' and then 'right to the top' to then go on with a very direct Above/Below comparison using the classic Judeo/Christian concepts of a 'path to Heaven' after 'miles of Clouded Hell.' Does the word Purgatory come to mind readers?
Anyway, as the words to 'It's Time', by Imagine Dragons indicate, the Judeo/Christian Tradition of metaphorical poetry to rhythmically allude to the Cornerstone and the Star of David in a symbolic manner is alive and well in today's Music of the Third Millenium of Rabbi Jesus Christ of the House of David, King of Heaven and Earth...
God bless and Shalom.
So this is what you meant when you said that you were spent and now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit, right to the top. Don't hold back, packing my bags and giving the Academy a rain check. I don't ever want to let you down. I don't ever want to leave this town. Cause after all, this city never sleeps at night.
It's time to begin, isn't it? I get a little bit bigger but then I'll admit I'm just the same as I was. Now don't you understand, but I'm never changing who I am.
So this is where you fell And I am left to sell The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell right to the top. Don't look back, turning to rags and giving the commodities a rain check. I don't ever want to let you down. I don't ever want to leave this town. 'Cause after all, this city never sleeps at night....This road never looked so lonely. This house doesn't burn down slowly, to ashes, to ashes.
- It's Time Lyrics, by Imagine Dragons
Once again, the Biblical Symbolism of the Cornerstone/Capstone (Eye Below/Eye Above) has made yet another blatant appearance in the lyrics of a very recent 2012 hit song called 'It's Time', by the emerging Indie Rock band called Imagine Dragons. It would take a pretty good liar with a near professional poker face to try and deny the undeniable Star of David symbolic content to the actual words of this song. Consider the following analysis:
EYE BELOW = 'It's time to build from the Bottom of the Pit...'
EYE ABOVE = '...Right to the Top'
EYE BELOW = 'I don't ever want to...
EYE ABOVE = '...Let you Down.'
Some naysayers may say this is simple coincidence, but that argument seems to pale in the light of the extended Up/Down, Above/Below, 'bottom of the pit'/'the top' which, in fact, originates from the Biblically-based, Judeo/Christian Tradition extending back to Moses and perhaps even further. It was the Prophets, both Jew and Christian, that for thousands of years extended this peculiar Hebrew technique of poetic metaphor that described, first and foremost, the Star of David's symbolic understanding of gravitational reality where there is always a Top and a Bottom, rather than somewhere Left or Right, or in the middle. In other words, the Biblical narrative of yesterday, just like the hit song 'It's Time' today, frequently resorts to the Heavens Above and Earth Below spiritual allusion and comparison as understood by the Judeo/Christian Tradition of the Cornerstone and the Star of David. Indeed, the lyrics written by 'Imagine Dragons' in this particular song continues to become even more Judeo/Christian as it continues onward, as the last following verses seen below clearly demonstrate:
EYE BELOW = 'So this is where you Fell and I am left to sell...'
EYE ABOVE = 'The path to Heaven runs through...
EYE BELOW = '...Miles of Clouded Hell.'
EYE ABOVE = 'Right to the Top.'
Let's see, in a few short paragraphs, this Band has managed to mention 'building' something from the 'bottom of the Pit' and then 'right to the top' to then go on with a very direct Above/Below comparison using the classic Judeo/Christian concepts of a 'path to Heaven' after 'miles of Clouded Hell.' Does the word Purgatory come to mind readers?
Anyway, as the words to 'It's Time', by Imagine Dragons indicate, the Judeo/Christian Tradition of metaphorical poetry to rhythmically allude to the Cornerstone and the Star of David in a symbolic manner is alive and well in today's Music of the Third Millenium of Rabbi Jesus Christ of the House of David, King of Heaven and Earth...
God bless and Shalom.
Certain Rock and Roll Lyrics Give it Away in their Reference to the Star of David
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